
IMPACT Wrestling Results (November 12th, 2019): winners, video highlights, and analysis 

The Callihan Death Machine looked to make a statement against two possible contenders
The Callihan Death Machine looked to make a statement against two possible contenders

Last week, Rich Swann picked up a pinfall victory over his former best friend and current IMPACT World Champion Sami Callihan, putting him in the run for a title shot. Next week, he'll join four other competitors, Moose, Daga, Tessa Blanchard, and Michael Elgin. However, tonight, he'll team up with Blanchard to face the leader of oVe once again, this time with Madman Fulton by his side.

The X-Division Champion joined the commentary team as Ace Austin looked to see who would be challenging him next. Our opening match was a six-way X-Division contest

#1 Contenders match: Trey vs Rohit Raju vs Aiden Prince vs Brent Banks vs Willie Mack vs Petey Williams

Who would challenge the
Who would challenge the "XXX-Division" Champion next?

Raju blindsided Willie Mack, dumping him outside. Prince was sent out as well, and Raju avoided Banks and Williams to take out his opponents outside with a suicide dive.

Trey cleared out the rest of the ring and used Banks for leverage as he bowled over Raju, Mack, and Prince on the outside. Banks and Williams were left inside, with the X-Division legend taking him out. A hurricanrana to the Rascal on the outside sent Trey rolling across the floor.

Mack and Prince returned to the canvas, leading to a three way brawl between themselves and Banks. Chocolate Thunder leveled them both with a pair of clotheslines and dove over the top, managing to leave all five of his competitors out on their backs.

As Mack recovered on the outside, Prince and Banks made it to their feet, trading clotheslines, cross bodies, and pump kicks. Banks set Prince up for a draping DDT in the corner, but Trey came in, taking Banks down with a meteora. Raju rolled in and with a northern lights/fisherman suplex combination, nearly picked up the win.

Williams came in and rocked Raju with a springboard lungblower and a flatliner. Raju was then trapped in the Sharpshooter. Maple Leaf Muscle wasn't able to keep it locked in long, as Mack caught him with a boot to the jaw. A Samoan drop and a standing moonsault gave him a two-count.

Banks rolled in and stunned the big man with a knee and a reverse rana, spiking him on his head. Prince followed up, turning a tilt-a-whirl headscissors into a brainbuster. He caught Trey sneaking up the turnbuckle with a rolling uppercut. Trey escaped and left Prince in the corner for a Cheeky Nando's kick.

Trey was taken out by Banks, however, and Prince dropped Banks on Trey with a gourdbuster. His 450 Splash connected, but his pin was broken up. Willie Mack hit the Six-Star Splash, only for Raju to break that pin with the double foot stomp.

As he tried to pick up the win, a Canadian Destroyer spiked him in the middle of the ring. Trey rolled up Williams for the win.

Results: Trey defeated Petey Williams via pinfall.

Trey was congratulated by his mom, who was seated by the ramp at the guard rail. Ace Austin seemingly set his sights on Trey's mom.

After picking up a pinfall victory over IMPACT World Champion Sami Callihan last week, Rich Swann was asked what he felt about the five-person elimination match next week. The former X-Division Champion now has an opportunity to add another title to his trophy case. Next week, he'll prove his naysayers wrong.

Swann has beaten Callihan several times throughout the year, even in a hellacious street fight back in the summer. All he has to do is win two more matches and he'll achieve what many believed he never could...become the World Champion.

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