
IMPACT Wrestling Results (November 24th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The IMPACT Wrestling World Title is on the line; Wrestling legend Jazz debuts
The IMPACT Wrestling World Title is on the line; Wrestling legend Jazz debuts

Two different factions have torn IMPACT Wrestling apart as of late. Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock are on a warpath, as both men have targeted Rich Swann and anyone in their way. Tonight, The World's Most Dangerous Man gets a shot at the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion.

Eric Young and Joe Doering have also made their presence known, attacking anyone at random. Young and Doering took out Rhino and Heath last week and continued to wreak havoc on the roster tonight.

Madison Rayne was off commentary tonight as she was set to defend Johnny Swinger in Wrestler's Court. Replacing her would be Matt Striker joining Josh Mathews. Would Swinger be found guilty tonight, or was the smoking gun in his phanny pack more of a red herring?

The Sea Stars debuted in IMPACT Wrestling tonight, with Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox looking to pick up a big upset against one of the favorites in this tournament, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz.

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Sea Stars

Delmi Exo and Kiera Hogan kicked off IMPACT, with Exo overpowering The Hottest Flame. Exo brought Hogan down with a series of pins, getting a pair of near falls.

Ashley Vox tagged in, hitting a sliding neckbreaker following Exo's backbreaker. Hogan high tailed it to her corner to bring in The Boricua Badass. Again, the IMPACT rookies held the advantage. At least, they did until Hogan caught Vox with a kick in the ropes. Steelz planted her with a spinebuster.

Steelz and Hogan finally picked things up, with Steelz dropping Vox in the corner for a bullet-speed corner dropkick by Hogan. They kept Vox cut off from her partner for quite some time. Eventually, a wild kick took Hogan to a neutral corner, allowing Vox to tag in her sister.

Exo brought Hogan down with a northern lights, but Steelz broke the pin-up. Exo left her opponents in opposite corners, lighting them up with running clothesline. Exo launched Hogan into Steelz with a pumphandle toss.

Exo planted Hogan with the Finaly Roll, with Vox tagging in for the Air Raid Crash. Hogan kicked out just in time. Steelz and Hogan rebounded just when Exo tagged back in, as she was yanked off the apron by Steelz. A bulldog from Steelz planted Vox, and Steelz rolled Exo in the ring for Hogan's fisherman's neckbreaker.

Results: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz defeated Sea Stars via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B

Hogan and Steelz advanced in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament.

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