
IMPACT Wrestling Results (September 13th, 2019): Major star returns, LAX gets one last chance

Tessa Blanchard surrounds herself with ECW originals in the presence of oVe.
Tessa Blanchard surrounds herself with ECW originals in the presence of oVe.

Last week, it was revealed that Brian Cage would be defending his IMPACT World Championship against his #1 contender, Sami Callihan. However, it would have to be at Bound For Glory, a whole six weeks from now. It probably goes without saying, but the Callihan Death Machine was a tad bit upset about this decision.

Tonight, though, he had to put that in the back of his mind. In the main event, he would team with the X-Division Champion to take on two longtime enemies of oVe. It would be the Draw and the Golden Draw against the Undeniable Tessa Blanchard and the Hardcore Icon Tommy Dreamer in a Street Fight.

Ace Austin has been after Alisha Edwards for over a month now, and with all of the tricks that he's pulled since setting eyes on her, he's close to finally breaking her away from her husband Eddie Edwards. Tonight, the former World Champion had one last shot to make sure that didn't happen when he battled Austin in single's competition.

Plus, a huge return to IMPACT Wrestling may have changed the balance of the tag division as we know it! All that and more on this week's IMPACT Wrestling!

Kiera Hogan vs Tenille Dashwood

Hogan tried to test Dashwood early, hoping to get into the new signee's head. Dashwood wasn't shaken, but as she tried to chase the Girl on Fire into the corner, Hogan demanded the ref back her up, allowing her to get in a few cheap shots.

Dashwood responded by leveling Hogan and covering her for a near fall. Hogan escaped and went outside, trying to break away from her opponent. Dashwood chased her around the ring and caught her in the ropes with a neckbreaker. Hogan was sent into the ropes and rolled Dashwood up with a sunset flip, then connected with a superkick.

Hogan sent Dashwood to the mat with a hair pulling mat slam and attempted a cover. Dashwood easily broke out. In the corner, Hogan placed her foot in Dashwood's throat, trying to choke the life out of her in her IMPACT debut.

A running clothesline in the corner set up for the running dropkick and a pinfall. Hogan tried to use the ropes to help get the pin, but couldn't reach with her feet, allowing Dashwood to kick out. A bulldog dropped Dashwood on her face giving Hogan another near fall.

Dashwood finally got back in the match with a few clotheslines and a butterfly suplex into the turnbuckle. The running corner body splash gave her a near fall. Hogan dodged the Spotlight and laid out Dashwood with a high roundhouse kick, but the pinfall was broken up again. She brought Dashwood up for the swinging fisherman suplex, only for Dashwood to escape and counter another facebuster with a German suplex.

Hogan countered a deadlift German and chopped Dashwood in the throat. She rushed the corner for another clothesline. However, Dashwood avoided it and locked her in the Tarantula, breaking the hold at the 3-count. A crossbody from the top allowed Dashwood to finally hit the Spotlight for the win.

Results: Tenille Dashwood defeated Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

Another oVe promo saw the group awaiting a furious Sami Callihan who was upset about Brian Cage getting another six weeks until he had to defend his title. By the time Bound for Glory gets here, the IMPACT World Championship will have been sitting on the shelf for two months.

Callihan said that he'll have to deal with Cage and his fiance Maria Santos later, because he and the Golden Draw, X-Division Champion Jake Crist, will take on Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer tonight. oVe plan on finally putting them down forever.

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