
Impact Wrestling Results (September 6th, 2019): LAX's last stand against the North, Brian Cage makes a life-changing announcement

Brian Cage has only wrestled one match since winning the title back at Rebellion
Brian Cage has only wrestled one match since winning the title back at Rebellion

Tonight was an incredibly emotional night for Impact Wrestling. While we saw the ongoing stories for Eddie Edwards, Ace Austin, Tenille Dashwood, and Moose, we saw the foundation of Impact Wrestling changed permanently.

LAX looked for a final shot at redemption in a title match against The North. However, after some heated trash talk recently, Ortiz & Santana ended up putting their careers with the company on the line. They would either leave Mexico as 5-time Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions, or leave without a job.

Brian Cage also had a tough night ahead of him as well. The Impact World Champion has only defended his title one time since winning it at Rebellion in April, successfully beating Michael Elgin at Slammiversary. Considering the 30-day clause that most champions are forced to follow, including Taya Valkyrie, who has made it her goal to defend the title as little as possible, many feel that Cage's reign should be cut short to give others a chance at the belt.

One of those who feel this way is the #1 contender Sami Callihan, who expected to see Cage stripped of the belt by the night's end. That being said, he wasn't opposed to taking on Cage for the belt. Tonight, he would find out what was next and if he'd ever get that title shot. The Machine's announcement would certainly be a tearjerker, as he wound up walking out with Melissa Santos by his side later on in the night.

We kicked off the show with a battle between two of Impact's most dangerous monsters, Havok and Su Yung. The two have been at each other's throats for months now, and tonight they finally got a chance to put the other away and move on, likely towards the coveted Knockouts Championship.

Havok vs Su Yung

Yung ducks a running clothesline and lights up Havok with a handful of right hands. Havok catches her, dropping her with a backbreaker and running over her with a big boot. Yung received more punishment in the corner, taking a pair of running boots to the jaw.

Yung seemed out on her feet here, with Havok completely dominating the former champion. Havok tossed her into the middle of the ring and battered her with heavy punches. However, Yung escaped a leg drop attempt and levelled Havok with a running knee, using Havok's own knee as a springboard. The Mandible Claw was blocked, though, and Havok locked her in a Boston Crab.

Havok looked as if she was going to break Yung in half, but the Undead Bride managed to make it to the ropes before that could happen. Before she could deliver a big body splash in the corner, Yung caught her with a palm strike. An old school into the hurricanrana set up for the Mandible Claw, with Havok backing herself into the corner to break the hold. Havok then stormed Yung, trying to run over her once again. Yung dropped the ropes, sending her outside.

Yung went to the apron and bowled over Havok with a rolling senton. However, a second attack off the apron was blocked, and Havok dropped her face-first on the apron via an electric chair facebuster. Another electric chair on the outside was stopped when Kid Ref admonished her for taking things too far. Yung crawled away as the two argued. As Havok turned the corner, she was met by the red mist of Yung.

Results: No Contest

The brawling continued after the bell rang, with Yung ducking a clothesline, bouncing Havok's arm off the ring post. Yung backed up the ramp, seemingly winning a battle, but not the war.

The North cut a promo on their Impact Tag Team Title match tonight. Ethan Page said that, though LAX is putting their spots in Impact on the line, the North put their lives on the line every night.

After tonight, Impact and the fans will forget Santana and Ortiz ever existed. While they like to brag about "losing the titles four times," the North will only have one reign, because they'll be the champions forever.

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