
Injury came as a blessing, reveals Christian


WWE superstar Christian has said that he had a pretty bad concussion in the hands of the Shield and added that his injury came as a blessing since he could be present at the birth of his first child.

Christian returned to television on this week’s Raw and presented the “THIS IS AWESOME! Moment of the year” Slammy award. After the show he took part in a Championship Ascension segment with Renee Young and revealed the news of his child.

“It’s been kind of a rough go since I was taken out of action a few months back by The Shield, which I haven’t forgotten yet. I had a pretty bad concussion. I had some recurring concussion symptoms and things like that. A lot of stuff going on in my life,” Christian said.

“Actually, I don’t talk about my personal life all that too much; I’ll do it this one time only, some breaking news here on the App. It’s a blessing in disguise that I got to be home because I welcomed my first child. Had a baby girl, so I was pretty happy about that. And that’s the last time you’ll ever hear me talk about my personal life,” he added.

The 40-year old have been out of action for the past three months and is expected to return in time for Royal Rumble.


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