
Is Becky Lynch The Anti-Hero We All Deserve?

Is Becky Lynch the
Is Becky Lynch the "next-big-thing" when it comes to top superstars of each era?

What is an anti-hero? What defines an anti-hero? What makes anti-heroes so great?

From Breaking Bad's Walter White to Django from Django Unchained, anti-heroes blur the lines between the definition of a protagonist & an antagonist.

A story requires the presence of a villain & a hero, just like WWE- there is always a heel & a babyface. But anti-heroes (or tweeners) transcend the idea of morality & basic rules of storytelling on several occasions. Stone Cold Steve Austin is perhaps the most successful anti-hero WWE has ever seen.

Every anti-hero has a motivation or a spark which leads to them overcoming obstacles by any means necessary. An Anti-Hero has to achieve a goal, but he/she does not need to stay true to one's morals in order to do so.

That brings us to Becky Lynch. Once a fan-favorite (she still is) amongst the WWE Universe, the Irish Lass Kicker has realized that the path to ultimate glory does not lie in staying true to one's course. Therefore, Lynch has finally decided to carve her own path in order to stand out.

Is Becky Lynch the anti-hero we all deserve? Let's find out...

#3 Lynch Wasn't Born To Be Champion, She Fought To Be One

Opportunities don't come knocking on the door for everyone...

Earlier, Becky Lynch tried to achieve ultimate glory by doing it "the right way". As it turns out, by pleasing the fans every night & staying true to her course, opportunities went past her each week.

Unlike Charlotte Flair, Becky was not born to be a champion since day one. Lynch had to fight in order to reach a point where others fortunate enough to do so had already reached with less effort.

Therefore, after a certain point, pleasing the fans was just not enough anymore. Becky ditched her 'Straight-Fire' persona & decided to become what she should have a long time ago, that is, an anti-hero.

As it is evident by a change in her attire, the glitz & glamour simply doesn't fetch you top honors that easily. That glittery phase of her career is over, & achieving the top spot by taking shortcuts is what it is all about now.

She is still fighting to be a champion, but this time around, Becky is going to do it the smart way...

If taking shortcuts is the only option left, why do people cheer for her then?

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