
Is it about time Randy made the return to the Main Event?

Randy has meandered in the mid-card for almost a year now
Randy has meandered in the mid-card for almost a year now

In one of my earlier articles, I'd mentioned how a move to AEW does make a lot of sense for Randy Orton primarily because, if you look at the last one year Randy has been away from the main event scene and considering someone of his caliber, he may not have been booked as well as he could have been. 

Having said that, even WWE might be starting to realize lately how important and more importantly how crucial it would be for them to keep Randy happy especially after the ouster (probable?) of Dean Ambrose from their roster once his contract expires.

The AEW bubble has been looming large and forming a dark cloud over WWE and at the same time providing a perfect alternative for anyone looking for a change of scenery.

Dean Ambrose in all probability has not renewed his deal with WWE
Dean Ambrose in all probability has not renewed his deal with WWE

Keeping this in mind it makes sense to bring Randy back to the main event. It's understandable to an extent why he doesn't get the Championship bouts (he's already a 13-time champion). But then for someone of Randy's experience and star status, he could participate in what is called the "Legacy" fights.

For instance, Orton was involved in a Legacy fight of sorts (as you can see in the below video) with Brock Lesnar and the amount of hype "The Beast" vs "The Viper" generated was amazing. It's a completely different story how WWE booked the end of that match (Randy was intentionally busted open by Brock and turned into a bloody mess) but that has to be the way to keep Randy relevant if he cannot be booked for Championship bouts. 

Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker are prime examples of wrestlers who despite not fighting for the Championship were still able to stay relevant. That is something that WWE needs to do some hard thinking about because they just can't afford a wrestler like Randy Orton leaving WWE and signing for AEW, which could happen if he's not booked well.

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