
Jim Ross blogs about a 'possible' new project and answers questions from fans

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his Q&A section on his blog. Here are some highlights:

Doing his own cooking show:

“A reality show involving JR and food/sports is being pitched I’m told.”

You mentioned in a recent Q&A about Zack Ryder the idea of him being too comedic at times. How you go about integrating comedy with wrestling on people like Ryder, Santino, Tons of Funk, etc. provide without them being stuck in the lower-mid card?

“Firstly, I’m a Ryder fan.

“He’s a hard working kid who loves the business and hopefully he gets bumped up soon. I simply think that him being cast as a ‘gimmick’ back in the day did him no significant favors.

“I am not against comedy if it is good and particularly if it is organic and not contrived.

“But even comedic figures have to eventually find their way into a personal issue unless they are content to be mid carders.”

What led Stone Cold Steve Austin to return to WWE after he walked out in 2002? Did you think he would come back after that?

He chilled and decided to return. He was burned out & frustrated.

As a fan what was your favorite decade (era) in wrestling?

I’ve loved every thing about my career and each decade brought different rewards. Not one decade stands above another to me.

While its all “show-biz” and “entertainment”, were there any matches that you can recall in which the opponents had legitimate animosity towards one another? and if so, do you feel that it helped with the intensity and “believability” of the match?

Many talents performed who did not like each other. Too many to name and I’m not one to throw unprofessional people under the bus. Every wrestler isn’t buddies with his opponent contrary to what some skeptics think. Their obligation is to entertain the paying customers and if they want to fight to do it elsewhere.

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