Jim Ross on Jericho's return and more
WWE commentator and referee Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. He talked about The Rock’s return and tonight’s RAW.
Here are some highlights:
About Chris Jericho’s return:
“The return to WWE for whatever the over discussed term of his contract may or may not be for @IAmJericho has been a shining light beginning on Sunday at the Rumble and Monday on RAW. Chris Jericho can make whoever he competes with better which is an artform that isn’t in abundance in today’s mat world. Great ‘get’ by WWE.”
About Brock Lesnar attacking Vince McMahon:
“Dramatic conclusion to RAW with the in ring confrontation of Mr. McMahon and @HeymanHustle which I knew would be a highlight of the night but I never dreamed it would become THE highlight of the broadcast. Great, organic chemistry between two men who have had plenty of experience ‘debating’ the other over the years. My black hat is off to both as it was the show closing moment that RAW needed and it delivered. The shocking return of Brock Lesnar was something that I did not expect to see Monday night and I certainly did not foresee the “Psycho Viking” F5′ing the Chairman of the Board. Freighting moment, in my view, taking all elements into consideration.”
About Bo Dallas:
“Loved that Bo wears a black glove much like his WWE HOF family members, Grandpa Blackjack Mulligan and Uncle Barry Windham.”