Jim Ross on Samoa Joe's answer to NXT question, Offer to return to TV wrestling, Baltimore shows
Source: JR's BBQ
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
Samoa Joe's response to a question about NXT at JR's show last week
"I find it weak that some pundits think that Samoa Joe gave a "political answer" when someone at my show in San Jose asked him if he would have any issue with starting a potential WWE career in NXT and Joe said he'd do whatever was asked of him. Is that being political or simply being a smart, team player? The best headline for some wresting sites may be to go with the "political" answer instead of giving the athlete the credit for being a guy who wants a shot and will work hard in any environment to earn that opportunity. NXT is WWE's hottest brand at the moment in the eyes of many and it's not like it's 'A' Ball."
Possible return to TV wrestling
"Got another interesting opportunity presented to me today to do some more TV wrestling but it's too early to get into the specifics but it sounded, on the surface, like a fun gig."
His upcoming shows in Baltimore
"Tickets are moving well, especially the VIP tickets for our next RINGSIDE with Jim Ross Show heading, for the first time to Baltimore, and the Rams Head Live venue on Saturday night May 16. Tickets are on sale at ramsheadlive.com. Baltimore has long been a great, wresting city and continues to be. Our VIP Meet and Greet will be from 6-8 pm and the show is from 8-10 pm. Jake Roberts will be appearing at the Baltimore Comedy Factory next Wednesday night and Ric Flair will make a special appearance on a huge live event for Maryland Championship Wrestling on Friday night April 24 near Baltimore in Glen Burnie, Md. Hit MarylandWrestling.com for more info and catch the Nature Boy plus some big time, independent wrestling."
Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including his thoughts on Samoa Joe wanting a match with Brock Lesnar, NJPW on AXS being renewed, Seth Rollins being an "old school booker's dream," WWE needing Michael Cole back on the air, changes for next year's Hall of Fame ceremony and much more. You can check out the full entry by clicking here.
Also, don't forget to order some of JR's BBQ Sauce, which is great for the kitchen and the grill, at WWEShop.com by clicking here.w