
Lita: Top 5 extreme moments

The divas division in the WWE has seen its highs and lows. The divas gained much more prominence during the Attitude Era. Though divas like Sunny and Sable were two of the most popular WWE personalities in their time, it was only during the Attitude Era that an entire division took birth.

This can of course be attributed to the fact that that particular era thrived on being violent, hypersexualised  and bent towards satiating the interests of its mostly male audience. But even though it started out that way, some divas broke out of the mold and started gaining much popularity for their athleticism.

Lita was a trailblazer as far as athleticism in the divas division is concerned. Even though there were many female wrestlers who were better trained than her when she first came to the WWE, she stood out for her offbeat presence and high flying skills.

She’s main-evented RAW more than any other diva, has had two weddings and has been the first ever draft pick when the Draft pick idea was still awesome.

Whenever one talks about ‘extreme’ in the divas division, Lita will always be on top of that list. This list looks at the most extreme moments in Lita’s career.

Trish puts Lita through a table

Trish puts Lita through table by ashpaulbrian

This is the first phase of the Lita- Trish Rivalry where they were valets or team members for a tag team. As their tag teams collided, so did the two women. Both of them received some of the biggest reaction from the audience in the arena. And in this clip shock waves are sent across the entire arena when Lita crashes to a table. The exchange begins at 0:43.

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