
10 WWE superstars who are being severely underutilized by the company

The Lunatic Fringe
The Lunatic Fringe

The WWE product, in general, has been all over the place lately. From unannounced NXT call-ups appearing on RAW to people asking for or being released from the company.

It comes across that there is a sudden tension or negative vibe running through the company, with the belief that Vince McMahon does not believe in his current group of talent, while also feeling the product is stale as reported by Cage Side Seats.

Vince does have a point about the stale product, but it's a lot to do with booking decisions, storylines and the predictable formula. It isn't so much the talents fault.

However, due to Vince not being happy, it appears that the locker room has had some negative vibes, with several talents unhappy about lack of TV time, poor booking of their characters and odd storylines. As of today, Tye Dillinger, Hideo Itami and TJP, were granted their release from the company as reported on wwe.com

Another reason that could be contributing to superstars frustrations, is the watering down of the superstars wrestling styles and characters. Again this is my personal opinion, but it would certainly be frustrating as a talent, knowing you can't provide a decent match for the fans, due to WWE wanting to focus on entertainment, rather than in-ring storytelling.

Some of these talents that have stayed or are going to stay for the remainder of their career have been badly underutilized. Today I will take a look at 10 WWE superstars who have not been utilized properly.

It does make you understand why some choose to leave in search of greener pastures due to all the restrictions placed upon them, not to mention the overloaded roster. There are those who choose to stay, whether it be for monetary reasons, global recognition and exposure, or simply just believing in themselves that they will get a chance to shine.

Please remember that this is an opinion only and is only based on how they have been booked.

#1 Finn Balor

The 'Demon King' Finn Balor
The 'Demon King' Finn Balor

The ' Demon King' Finn Balor has been grossly misused on the main roster. What started off as a promising start in 2016 for Finn, turned into a nightmare, when it was revealed that Balor had gotten injured in his Universal championship match at Summerslam 2016. He managed to win the match to become the inaugural Universal champion but had to relinquish it the next night on Monday Night Raw.

It was rumored at the time he was going to have a lengthy title reign, however, it wasn't to be. He had already defeated Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins within a few weeks of debuting on Raw, and to see it snatched away due to a botched manoeuvre, was gut-wrenching.

It was equally more difficult to watch when he returned and was doing literally nothing except participating in random matches and meaningless feuds for nearly two years, before finally getting a shot at the Universal title again.

Even though Brock defeated him, he still proved what an incredible athlete he is, while proving he can go up against anybody he is put up against. At the present stage, he is the Intercontinental champion.

The Demon King should hold the Intercontinental title for a lengthy amount of time, as he is overdue for a title run and he hadn't had a push before the start of the year, since when came up. He is popular with the fans and is an excellent in-ring worker.

WWE need to realize that athletes like Finn don't come around very often and they need to give him decent storylines, as well as let him show how good he is in the ring. He deserves another world championship run.

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