
Looking at the New 'Gorgeous' - Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze

Allow me to bring to your attention the gorgeous Tyler Breeze, which is if you already haven’t paid attention. In the very recent episode of NXT Arrival he had something for the NXT Audience that was earmarked with awesomeness and that something deserved an entire article to be written about it.

So first came the announcement that there’s going to be a ‘World Premiere Music Video’ by the one and only Tyler Breeze. And then, out came the number one contender for the NXT title. And then what followed was the unveiling of a music video written, performed, inspired, edited, produced, directed, by Tyler Breeze with special thanks to none other than Tyler Breeze. In between all this, he called Sami Zayn the less good looking brother of Seth Rogen and Adrian Neville was called the ‘Man That Maybelline forgot’. What followed all this was a ‘That was awesome’ and ‘No’ chants by the NXT audience. It was over the top and abundant with anything and everything that portrayed Breeze rightfully as being full of himself.  If Gorgeous George began the tradition of the flamboyant heel the Breeze is certainly carrying the legacy forward and adding his own style to it, I mean just observe the amount of time he hold that pout for.


If Breeze were to come on the roster someday, and that day shall soon come, the WWE will need to make their segments involving him in such a way that make people actually get the fact that he’s looking at himself in his cellphone. Why? Because, it might seem like he’s reading out his notes for his promo from his cellphone.

I think if he was to read out notes like that from his cellphone, his character can make that look cool as well. His character can make anything ridiculous look like an extension of the gimmick, given that the gimmick requires him to be too proud and consumed in his own little ‘gorgeous’ world.

Adrian Neville has been a good champion and a great performer. Adding Breeze to the mix of a title match sure seems to be an exciting prospect at this moment as his character is gaining much more momentum and his match against Zayn made fans look at him beyond the perspective of being just another pretty face. And he won a match against Zayn- the best wrestler and the most popular, for that matter, on NXT. That means the management believes in the potential that Breeze has. Or atleast this is a phase where we can see the best out of Breeze’s character as Creative tries to hype up the title bout.

Some will say that he is just another Fandango.  While Fandango is a good wrestler, WWE have clearly given up all high hopes from his gimmick even though the superstar plays it with the same arrogance that he debuted the character with. Creative might be more cautious with Breeze. Breeze’s gimmick falls closer to the category of showing off and the gimmicks that have fallen into that category in the many years of WWE is that of Gorgeous George, Mr. Perfect, the Heart Break Kid and Dolph Ziggler. While WWE seems to be treating Ziggler’s talents with injustice lately, Breeze’s inclusion to the main roster might be just another case of rubbing salt to a wound or maybe, to be optimistic, things can be made interesting. Having a Ziggler and Breeze feud can be quite theatrical as they both have a quite dashy and elaborate presence.

Hope Tyler Breeze has “#MmmGorgeous” future.

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