
Mixed Match Challenge Results: Finn Balor and Sasha Banks vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Natalya

The first match of the MMC is a tough one to follow

On January 16th, WWE's Mixed Match Challenge began, and the first match, which took place directly after Smackdown Live, pitted Finn Balor and Sasha Banks against Shinsuke Nakamura and Natalya. United States viewers were able to watch the match live on Facebook Watch.

The program began with Banks and Balor already in the ring, and Natalya making her entrance. Natalya and Nakamura were wearing matching attire, specifically, jackets worn by Natalya's father Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart.

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Nakamura makes his way to the ring in style

Sasha and Natalya begin the match. Sasha wins a quick tie-up game before Nattie tags in Nakamura. Balor comes in, and the two feel each other out. They work a few holds, with Balor coming out on top.

Balor puts Nakamura in a headlock, and the King of Strong Style forces him against the ropes, breaking out a signature pose. The action begins to pick up here, with Nakamura and Balor trading kicks. Natalya tags back in, getting some boos from the crowd.

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Sasha chases Natalya out of the ring, then hits her with a cross body from the apron when she tries to stall. However, she gets hit with a spinning lariat when she gets back into the ring. Natalya takes over here, planting her with a Michinoku Driver followed by an octopus stretch. Sasha fights to her corner to make a tag, and Balor is tagged in.

Balor picks up the pace quite a bit here, catching Nakamura with quick strikes.The two trade chops and kicks, and Balor counters a Kinshasa with a sling blade. Before he can hit the Coup De Grace, Nattie knocks him off the top turnbuckle.

The Banks State
The Bank Statement spelt the end for Nattie and Nakamura

Nakamura knees Balor, but Banks breaks up the pin attempt. He goes for another Kinshasa, but Balor tosses him into the turnbuckle and tags Sasha. Banks put Nattie in the Bank Statement, and the Queen of Hearts taps out in 12:49.

Results: Finn Balor and Sasha Banks defeat Shinsuke Nakamura and Natalya

Balor and Banks trade poses and throw up a Too Sweet to end the night.

Next week's match will be Big E and Carmella against the Miz and the undefeated Asuka.

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