
5 Things that need to happen if Edge wins the Universal Championship at Money in the Bank 2021

Edge holding the Universal Championship on SmackDown
Edge holding the Universal Championship on SmackDown

Edge finally gets his one-on-one match with Roman Reigns at Money in the Bank 2021. It was supposed to be the main event of WrestleMania 37 Night Two, but Daniel Bryan was added to the match (even though he didn't feel the need to be in it).

It's going to be a huge main event and even then, Reigns will be expected to defeat Edge. There's a fair argument as to why the former should beat The Rated-R Superstar and retain the Universal title, but anything is possible in WWE.

We look at the unlikely-but-alternate scenario of Edge winning the Universal Championship at Money in the Bank 2021. There's no doubt that it will change the landscape of SmackDown. Here are a few things that must happen if the WWE legend wins the Universal Championship from Roman Reigns this Sunday:

#5. Edge should only face fresh and young stars during his reign

Edge making his entrance on SmackDown
Edge making his entrance on SmackDown

One of the big problems we've seen with WWE and part-timers in recent years is that they're often pitted up against each other. The Goldberg-Brock Lesnar feud from a few years ago is the perfect example of that.

Normally, only a few superstars benefit from part-timers appearing, with Roman Reigns being the biggest one. At WrestleMania, he has faced four part-time legends: Brock Lesnar, Triple H, The Undertaker, and Edge.

If The Rated-R Superstar beats Reigns and becomes the Universal Champion, he should go on a run where he only faces younger and fresher faces from SmackDown. If he does win the title, the WWE Draft will follow soon after and there will be fresher faces on the Blue brand.

When Edge returned to the ring in early 2020, WWE fans hoped that he would only be facing names that he had never faced before, with Roman Reigns being one of those names.

Hopefully, his run doesn't culminate with a match against a part-timer such as Brock Lesnar. Part-timer vs. part-timer matches seem to be a waste on the big stage and are better off reserved for the shows in Saudi Arabia that have little storyline impact.

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