Hulk Hogan proud of his daughter and more news about Cole's interview
Former WWE Stars Shad Gaspard and Jayson Anthony Paul (popularly known as JTG) of Crime Time can be booked through Bill Behrens at showbis@aol.com. They are based out of Los Angeles, America. Also, yesterday’s WWE Smackdown tapings had a new visitor, Singer Bradley Walden of Emarosa. He was in backstage on the tapings held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This week’s sit down interview with WWE Comentator Michael Cole, will feature new WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.
WWE Legend Hulk Hogan posted on twitter, about the news of his daughter, Brooke Hogan, hosting the syndicated lifestyle show, “Better Show” for this week and next week. Hulkamania also mentioned that he is a proud dad. He tweeted:
Brooke Hogan is guest hosting the Better Show the 18th/19th this week and 22/23d next week,check ur local listings,I'm a very proud dad. HH
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) December 16, 2014