More on CM Punk's WWE allegations, where the lump was located, funny parody

As noted earlier, WWE sent us a statement disputing CM Punk's claims about Dr. Chris Amann, who filed a defamation lawsuit on Thursday against Punk and Colt Cabana over their Art of Wrestling podcast from last year. The statement noted that Punk claimed that he performed at The Royal Rumble last year with a baseball-sized, purple lump on his back located near the waistband of his tights. WWE released the video above with nearly four minutes of ass shots of Punk from The Royal Rumble to show that there was no growth on his back.
It should be noted that Punk appeared on Opus radio last December and showed the scar from his staph infection. The growth would have been located below the waistband of his tights. You can see video of Punk showing the scar below at the 0:35 mark:
YouTube user RavenCyarm posted this pretty funny parody of the whole situation: