
10-time WWE titleholder pinned twice because of massive botch during championship match; had to be carried to the back due to injury (Watch)

When a superstar is injured during a match, things can become really confusing really fast, be it in WWE, or any other wrestling promotion. Former WWE titleholder Mercedes Mone found this for herself first-hand during her match against Willow Nightingale, which saw her pinned twice during it.

At NJPW Resurgence, Mone faced Nightingale in a match to crown the first-ever Strong Women's Champion. Unfortunately, she broke her ankle during the match and lost it to Nightingale. The injury seemed to happen when she jumped from the top rope and the ring post to the mat and then clotheslined Nightingale.

Amidst reports that Mone had been originally supposed to win the title in the first place, before the injury, it appears that there was also a botch during the match.

Soon after Mone hurt her ankle, Nightingale powerbombed her, which led to being pinned in that position for the three-count. However, even though her shoulders were down for the full three-count, and him counting three times, the referee claimed she had kicked out at two.

The moment can be seen in the below video.

What was this? Ref botch or Mercedes? https://t.co/ph75ZY2QwY

Almost immediately after the powerbomb, Nightingale repeated the move, and this time she won after the three-count.

Would you like to see the former WWE Superstar get a rematch when she's recovered? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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