
3-time WWE Champion suffers an unexpected loss to 33-year-old star on RAW

On the latest episode of Monday Night RAW, former WWE Champion Sheamus was involved in a match against Ludwig Kaiser. The wrestling veteran suffered an unexpected loss during the bout.

The two stars started fighting in the corner after the bell rang. They exchanged chops, and The Celtic Warrior slammed the Imperium member with a vertical suplex. Ludwig Kaiser hit a series of chops but Sheamus no-sold them. He took down his opponent, but Kaiser went after the injured knee.

He then hit the latter with a few kicks in the corner. Sheamus hit Ludwig Kaiser with a knee to the mid-section. The three-time WWE Champion took out Ludwig with an uppercut and clotheslined him to the floor. Kaiser pulled Sheamus out of the ring and hit another big chop.

Sheamus sent Kaiser into the barricade and back into the ring. He caught the latter with a powerslam and rocked him with a knee to the face. Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick, but his knee gave out.

He tried to hit Kaiser with a White Noise off the middle rope, but Kaiser avoided it, took out Sheamus' knee, and pinned him on WWE RAW.

Were you surprised that Sheamus lost the match?

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