
7-time WWE champion believed "until the last minute" that Vince McMahon would show up for infamous backstage fight, according to former manager

Eric Bischoff recently stated that Hulk Hogan believed that Vince McMahon would show up at the last minute for a fight at a WCW show.

The infamous Monday Night Wars gave way to some of the most insane moments ever seen on television. One of those moments saw Eric Bischoff call out Vince McMahon to a shoot fight at Slamboree.

While Vince didn't show up for the fight, Hulk Hogan believed that his former boss wouldn't mind throwing down with his current boss.

During a recent episode of his 83 Weeks podcast, Eric Bischoff stated that Hulk Hogan believed that Vince McMahon would show up to fight him and even made himself present to witness it.

"Hulk believed up until the last minute that Vince would show up... I'm not sure that's why [Hulk] agreed to just do a run-in [at Slamboree], but now that I'm sitting here thinking about it... I think that's the only reason he said yeah." [H/T Wrestling Inc]

Hulk Hogan believed that Eric Bischoff would lose in a legitimate fight with Vince McMahon

Although Eric Bischoff has a background in mixed martial arts, it wasn't enough to convince Hogan that he could take McMahon in a legitimate fight.

During the same episode, Eric disclosed that Hulk Hogan felt Vince would "shred" him in a fight:

"Hogan was convinced that Vince would just shred me... He thought Vince would kill me."

Eric noted that he asked people not to intervene and stop the fight if it took place unless Vince was about to do permanent damage to him.

"I said... do not interfere unless it looks like it could be permanent, meaning if Vince McMahon is digging out one of my eyes, go ahead and throw a chair." [H/T Wrestling Inc.]

Vince McMahon was seriously considering showing up at Slamboree 1998 to accept Eric Bischoff's challenge and the only reason he didn't is because Stephanie was graduating from Boston University on that same day!

SOURCE: Vince Russo
Truth With Consequences

#WCW #WWE https://t.co/d0jYMgOVM3

It would've made great television for Vince to show up at Slamboree. Sadly, fans will have to ponder what would've happened.

Do you think Vince would've beaten Eric in a shoot fight? Sound off in the comments section below.

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