
8 unwritten backstage WWE rules that could end careers finally revealed by fired ex-champion

Former Hardcore Champion Maven recently revealed eight unwritten backstage WWE rules superstars could get in trouble for not following.

Maven joined the Stamford-based company in 2001, after winning the inaugural season of Tough Enough. He spent about four years as an active competitor, during which he shared the ring with several top superstars, including The Undertaker, Chris Jericho and Triple H. The 46-year-old also held the Hardcore title before getting released in 2005.

In a new YouTube video on his channel, Maven spoke about the unwritten backstage rules in the company, now led by Vince McMahon as Executive Chairman and Triple H as Chief Content Officer. He revealed that he lost his job after breaking one of them.

The first rule Maven disclosed is to shake everybody's hand when you get to the building for every show. He stated that seeing a person for the first time that evening, being a talent, crew, or even guest, the superstar has to shake their hand or else he could get in trouble.

The former Hardcore Champion added that the second rule is to arrive on time. Superstars could be considered unreliable if they break this rule. Meanwhile, the third rule is to stay until the show ends and watch all matches. Superstars would not seem serious about getting better if they left early.

The fourth rule Maven mentioned in his video is money-related, and it is: "Don't ask, don't tell." Superstars should not tell or ask each other about their salaries. Meanwhile, the fifth rule is to be flexible because plans could suddenly change.

WWE's sixth unwritten rule is superstars have to respect their agents even if they disagree with their ideas. Otherwise, the wrestlers could be thought of as "difficult to work with."

The seventh rule Maven mentioned is also respect-related. The former Hardcore Champion disclosed that wrestlers must respect the locker room veterans and offer them the more comfortable seats on transportation or backstage. If someone did not follow that rule, the word would spread backstage that they were disrespectful to the veterans. That would not get them in the good graces of the higher-ups.

Maven ended his video with the eighth rule, which he broke and led to him getting fired. He disclosed that superstars must "get down to the ring and learn their craft." The ring gets set up hours before the show starts for superstars to have the opportunity to get down to it and work on their upcoming matches and improve their in-ring work.

The 46-year-old stated that former WWE Director of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis, told him it was in his interest to get down to the ring and work with Fit Finley to improve his skills. However, Maven did not listen to the advice. Hence, he was ultimately fired.

Maven recently took a major shot at WWE Legend John Cena. Check out his comments here.

Maven recalled how he got fired from WWE

In June 2005, Maven competed in his last WWE match. Nearly two weeks later, he was released from his contract, ending his four-year run in the Stamford-based company.

In a recent interview with Cafe de Rene, Maven recalled getting fired from WWE, stating that he could not argue with John Laurinaitis' reasoning.

"I got the call from Johnny Ace [John Laurinaitis] after we landed on Tuesday. I used to have an hour drive from the airport to my house and I got the call. And I couldn't argue with his reasoning. Like, I just couldn't. Like, he wasn't wrong. [What did he say exactly?] Just like literally Creative wanted to go at a different direction. And I didn't do enough to make myself better. He's like, 'Maven, I used to tell you to get out to that ring, get in the ring, get in the ring, make yourself better.' And I didn't. Like, I wish I could say poor me, but I can't."
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Shawn Michaels told Maven backstage to "stop trying to be The Rock" in WWE. Check out the story here.

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