
Another positive COVID-19 case confirmed in WWE

A member of the production team for the Boneyard Match tests positive for COVID-19
A member of the production team for the Boneyard Match tests positive for COVID-19

WWE employee, Cornell Gunter, has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. It was revealed two months ago that a developmental talent had tested positive for the virus, which led to company-wide testing for the first time since the pandemic started.

Fans, analysts and even some of the WWE Superstars have been critical at the company's lack of testing and mask policies. Now another WWE employee has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.

The list of WWE employees who tested positive rises

Cornell Gunter works for WWE's Content Innovation Lab and was even a part of the production team filming the Boneyard Match between The Undertaker and AJ Styles at Wrestlemania 36. Although things were tough for him at first and even got a scare of his child possibly testing positive, luckily his son, Prince is okay. Things have gotten better for Gunter and his family since testing positive after a rough period.

Even though some would assume Gunter got the virus from WWE, Cornell confirms that he did not catch it from work. He has been working from home and believes that he got the virus from a store. Cornell was very thankful for the support he has received during this tough time and even took the time to thank certain individuals by name in his reply on Twitter.

WWE's handling of COVID-19

Following WWE's first round of testing, it was revealed that multiple WWE talent and staff had tested positive for COVID-19. Although big sporting organizations such as UFC and NBA have had to reveal which fighters or players had tested positive, WWE has not been forthcoming with this information, including advertising a match at Extreme Rules with a Superstar who reportedly has tested positive.

There have even been reports of backlash towards Renee Young and Kayla Braxton for going public with their test results.

We can all be thankful that stars like Kevin Owens have stepped up and demanded changes to WWE's handling of the virus. We have seen the institution of a mask policy and seen increased testing. There is always room for improvement so hopefully, we will see more transparency on WWE's part in their handling.

At the moment, Gunter and his family are doing well so there is a silver lining in this particular case for now.

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