
Arn Anderson opens up about how WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will be remembered

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

Arn Anderson is currently a part of All Elite Wrestling. Anderson is part of the Nightmare Family as well as AEW TNT Champion Cody's coach.

On a recent episode of his podcast ARN, Arn Anderson opened up about Vince McMahon's impact on the pro wrestling industry and how he will be remembered. Arn said that how Vince McMahon is remembered will depend on whether a person is a wrestler or a fan:

Well, it depends on what seat you're looking at. Are you looking at it from a fan seat or you're looking from a wrestler's seat? It just depends on your view. Did he revolutionize the business as far as expanding it to having children, and females, and hoards of them as fans, and, you know, all the marketing, the marketing genius that he is? Yes. Did he take the one product that those of us as wrestlers put above everything else, the holy grail? The reason we all want to do this as children is the wrestling part.

Arn Anderson went on to talk about how he personally thought of Vince McMahon's impact. Arn Anderson said that Vince McMahon had put wrestling on the "backburner", which to someone like him was the most important part:

The bell-to-bell action he has put on a back burner as being of the least important things, and for a guy like me, once I got into the business, as much as I loved it and figured out, I made the right choice. My goal was not to be the World Heavyweight Champion, my goal was not to be the highest-paid guy in the business. But what I did want to be is I wanted to be one of the best workers in the business. H/T: WrestlingINC

Arn Anderson opens up about the best piece of advice he got in his career

Arn Anderson also spoke about his own career during his podcast. During the same episode, he spoke about the most valuable piece of advice he got on his career. Anderson, who was being managed by Paul Ellering at the time, credited WWE Hall of Famer Paul Orndoff for giving him the advice:

Paul took a liking to me, pulled me aside, and said, 'I noticed that you're getting to the gym every day; good. I saw your guys' promos, of course. You got Paul doing most of the talking and all that.' And he said, 'let me just tell you, if you stay in the gym, keep your body right, you learn how to talk and you learn how to work, they can never ever deny you in this business. But you have to at least get a firm grip on all three of those.' And I never forgot it. H/T: WrestlingINC

Arn Anderson went on to say that he would give the same advice to the current generation of talent.

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