
Arn Anderson reveals the big mistake WWE made with Sting


Sting faced Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship in the main event of WWE Night of Champions 2015. This was Rollins' second match of the night, losing the US title to John Cena in the previous match. Rollins still managed to beat Sting and retain the WWE Championship.

On the latest episode of his podcast, Arn Anderson opened up about Sting's WWE run and said that Sting losing to Rollins, who had already had a match with John Cena, didn't help him get over. Anderson added that the Attitude Adjustment that Cena gave Rollins after their match made it look like Rollins overcame the odds:

When Sting got there, he already had a damaged champion to start the match. Seth, through all of that, overcame a bonafide superstar and won. What about that incredible display of courage and adversity that he went through and overcame. You know what you have at the end of the night? You have a babyface. What’s to not like about that guy. In one night, he overcame all the odds from two superstars and managed to retain. I think you failed. He has no heat afterwards. He’s to be admired. If you would have gone the other way with it, I think you have something that no one would have thought would happen, especially after Sting lost his first match. H/T: WrestlingNewsCo

Arn Anderon on one big mistake WWE made with Sting

Arn Anderson continued, saying that having Sting lose to Seth Rollins in his second pay-per-view match in the company was a big mistake as it devalued Sting's position as a top star:

I think once you lose two in a row, you pretty much devalue him and I would think his time has passed. I don’t think that is what you would want to leave the night with because he could have been at least until the next PPV where Seth exercises his return. You could have left it on Sting for three weeks and really shocked the audience, shocked the wrestling world, and shook a lot of things up. H/T: WrestlingNewsCo

Arn Anderson was released from his role in WWE last year and is currently signed to AEW where he manages Cody and is a part of the Nightmare Family.

You can listen to Arn Anderson's podcast HERE.

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