
Backstage details on how WWE Superstars are "punished" for rejecting storylines

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

Earlier this year in April, Mike Bennett was among the Superstars and staff released by WWE as part of their response to the financial impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Before signing with WWE, Bennett wrestled for both Impact Wrestling and Ring of Honor.

Mike Kanellis on how WWE punish superstars for rejecting storylines

Former WWE Superstar Mike Bennett fka Mike Kanellis was recently interviewed by The Hannibal TV. During the interview, the former WWE 24/7 Champion was asked about whether WWE punishes Superstars for rejecting ideas or storylines.

Bennett said that in his opinion, Superstars are definitely punished if they turn down storylines. He said that although Superstars were free to turn down whatever they wanted, there could be ramifications for it. Bennett also added that Superstars would not directly be told that they were being punished and instead would hear it through the grapevine. Here's what he had to say:

Yes, a 100%. You can turn down whatever you want. I could have instantly told them, I don't want to do this angle or this, but then you're not doing anything. You'll just be sitting there. They won't formally tell you you're punished. They will just stop using you. And you'll hear it through the grapevine because that's how it works. People will come to you and be like 'Boss is pi**ed that you said this or boss is pi**ed that you did that'. No one ever comes to you face to face like an actual human being or an adult and is like 'this is the issue, you should go talk to the boss about it'. No, it's always like high-school, through the grapevine, 'you know, so and so is mad at you and you should go...', like it's always so lame. But yeah, you'll 100% be punished, not formally, but yeah you'll know that you're a 100% punished.

Since his release from WWE, Mike Bennett recently challenged Nick Aldis for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at the UWN's Prime Time Live PPV.

During the interview, Mike Bennett also spoke about his experience working with both Impact Wrestling and WWE. You can check that out HERE.

If any quoes are used from this interview please credit The Hannibal TV and add an H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling

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