
"It was really slow" - Beth Phoenix talks about her switch from a wrestler to a commentator

Beth Phoenix is now a commentator on NXT
Beth Phoenix is now a commentator on NXT

Beth Phoenix is famous for her accomplishments in the ring. However, since her retirement, Phoenix has slowly transitioned from being an in-ring performer to a performer on the mic.

She now holds a position as a commentator on NXT. It has been a difficult change for the WWE Hall of Famer, but she has gelled into the role quite well. This is all down to the confidence and feedback she received from her interactions with other professionals.

Beth Phoenix appeared on the most recent episode of Busted Open to discuss her role as a commentator. She revealed just how much help she has received and how she never imagined herself in this role to begin with. She also thanked some of the people who helped her along the way.

"First of all, every announcer that I have sat at the desk with has been a huge help to me. Just like in the ring, I feel like always learned something from everybody. I relate a lot of what we do on commentary to wrestling, I see a lot of parrallels, a lot of similarities. But, when I was a wrestler I was always kind of the do the talking with your fists kind of wrestler. I didn't do a lot of promos, I didn't do a lot of speaking and the times when I had to sit on commentary, I was a sweaty nervous mess. I could have never imagined myself sitting for two hours to three hours of a show just talking. I didn't have that confidence in myself at all. So it was a really slow transition."

Beth Phoenix has revealed that she has had problems with cutting promos, ever since she made her debut as a wrestler. It is great to see how she has improved herself over time to become a great commentator in WWE.

Beth Phoenix credits Michael Cole for helping her out

Beth Phoenix has worked with a whole bunch of talented individuals since she made the switch from wrestler to commentator. However, one person she would like to credit for helping her out is none other than Michael Cole, revealing that he was the one who encouraged her.

"It was Michael Cole that was super encouraging from the start and saying like, "I think you have a future in this" and blah blah blah!"

Phoenix now finds herself surrounded by a talented group of commentators on NXT, including fellow professional wrestler Wade Barrett.

What are your thoughts on Beth Phoenix's transition from wrestler to commentator? Share them with us down below.

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