Bret Hart declined offer to come out of retirement to wrestle WWE Hall of Famer at WrestleMania
Bret Hart has been on many top WWE stars' dream match lists but unfortunately due to his career being cut short because of injury, fans have missed out on quite a few possible matches. Kurt Angle recently revealed that he had offered Bret Hart to wrestle him at either WWE WrestleMania 21 or 22 but Hart turned down the offer considering that he wouldn't be able to perform at his best.
Angle and Hart have been regarded as the best technical wrestlers of their time. For Angle, it was unlucky timing since the two never got to share the ring. However, Angle did indeed get a chance to wrestle Owen Hart, who was equally, if not more talented within the squared circle. Both Bret and Angle hold mutual respect for one another and are admirers of each other's work.
Speaking in an interview with The A2theK Wrestling Show, Kurt Angle opened up on the potential WrestleMania match between himself and Bret Hart:
"You know what, Bret Hart was always my dream match from when I started in WWE. I always thought I'd have a match with him but right when I came in, he left. He went to WCW, and unfortunately, he got knocked out and had the concussion and then he had a stroke."
Angle continued:
"I tried to get Bret to wrestle at WrestleMania, I believe, 21 or 22... I understood why he said no because where I am in my life now, I know I can't have the Kurt Angle match that fans expect and Bret was trying to tell me at that particular time 'I'm not the Bret Hart I used to be and I'm not gonna go out there and embarrass myself' not that Bret would embarrass himelf but he wants to be at a level nobody else is. That's where Bret Hart always was. And if he can't do that, he's not gonna do it at all." [3:50-4:44]
Check out the full interview in the video below:
Bret Hart went on to wrestle in WWE in 2010 and 2011
While Bret might have turned down Angle's offer to wrestle him, he did later have a stint with WWE where he had a number of matches in 2010. Hart returned in 2010 to wrestle Vince McMahon at WWE WrestleMania 26 and went on to be a part of a few storylines following that angle.
It's likely that we won't see The Hitman ever wrestle again.