
Bret Hart shares stories about Triple H and Shawn Michaels bullying The Rock backstage

The Rock vs Triple H with Shawn Michaels as the guest referee
The Rock vs Triple H with Shawn Michaels as the guest referee

Bret Hart is one of the greatest wrestlers to have set foot in the ring. One of the most memorable moments of Bret Hart was the Montreal Screwjob. The incident led to Hart leaving WWE and showing up on WCW. Since his retirement, The Hitman has kept himself busy with various things. He recently started his show called Confessions Of The Hitman. on the show, Bret Hart recalled an incident that included The Rock, Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

Bret Hart on Triple H and Shawn Michaels bullying The Rock

Bret Hart has started a show called Confessions Of The Hitman. On the show, he spoke about a few incidents that involved Shawn Michaels and Triple H giving The Rock a hard time in the 2000s.

"I remember Shawn Michaels coming into the dressing room and dressing down poor Dwayne. Shawn came in and just dressed him down and he chewed him out. And I believe, [HBK] told [The Rock] to never do a top rope dropkick ever again because that was his move. That's what he was mad about. And then, he slammed the door and he walked out. The Rock was [deflated] because in those days, Shawn had a lot of weight. He was a pretty important guy for the company, a veteran guy kind of dressing him down like that, he was apologizing and said he didn't know, and he thought it would be okay. I remember the door closed after Shawn left and I said, 'that's bulls--t. That's total bulls--t.' I said, 'nobody owns the dropkick off the top. You can do that. Owen does it all the time! Why doesn't he cut a promo on Owen?' I said, 'they're just busting your chops and they're trying to work on you.'" (h/t Wrestling Inc.)

Bret Hart said that not only Shawn Michaels but also Triple H tried to give The Rock a hard time.

"Triple H was the same. He was always out to get The Rock. Shawn was out to get him and they just worked on him, and worked on him, and worked on him. And I left. [The Rock] was still in the doghouse with those guys. They wanted him [out] as bad as they wanted me out. Like, they were after him. And, for me, maybe a year later, he started getting his break and he started to take off in WWE." Hart added, "and I'm so glad he overcame their petty bulls--t."(h/t Wrestling Inc.)

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