
"One of the boys that took care of the boys" - Bruce Prichard pays awesome tribute to Scott Hall

Bruce Prichard reacted to the passing of the WWE Legend.
Bruce Prichard reacted to the passing of the WWE Legend.

The wrestling world recently lost one of its greatest villains in Scott Hall. His longtime friend Bruce Prichard paid an incredible tribute to the Hall of Famer on this week's episode of his AdFreeShows podcast.

The WWE Executive began by offering his condolences to Hall's family before talking about the former Intercontinental Champion's reputation in the business.

The 2-time Hall of Famer battled personal demons for several years, and Prichard felt that people unnecessarily paid attention to the legendary superstar's controversies rather than his contributions to the business.

Bruce Prichard wasn't surprised by the reactions to the iconic superstar's demise as he said that the former NWO member was a locker room favorite throughout his career.

"First of all, my condolences to his family. I think that sometimes, Scott has been a subject of, you know, the negative. Sometimes, the negative outweighs the good, and in some people's eyes, but that's not always the case," said Bruce Prichard. "The negative is just what people want to hear a lot of times and what they dwell on, and what is forgotten in that is the human being behind that character, behind the character that is in the public eye. Scott Hall was someone that as you said, the outpouring has been tremendous because when you whittle it all down, Scott Hall, one of the most influential talents in the modern era, but behind the scenes, Scott was one of the boys that took care of the boys."
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He would just smile: Bruce Prichard on Scott Hall's backstage influence

While Scott is a major superstar in his own right, the charismatic performer often went out of his way to help other talents prosper. Bruce Prichard noted how 1-2-3 Kid, aka X-Pac, became a household name following his program with Hall.

Prichard worked with Scott Hall for several years and recalled that the late great superstar always had a calming influence on other wrestlers irrespective of his mood backstage.

The creative head of WWE added that Hall's legacy in professional wrestling will never be forgotten.

"There are a lot of stories like that of Scott taking younger talent. People look at the 1-2-3 Kid, 'Hey man, the 1-2-3 Kid would not have been made if not for Scott. He can have all the matches in the world, but if he didn't have Scott Hall putting him over the way Scott Hall did in that story, then you know, it wouldn't have happened. Just in general, he was always one of those faces you could see backstage that could make you smile. Whether Scott was in a good mood or a bad mood, he would just smile. If he was in a good mood, he'd say some smartass things, or if he was in a bad mood, he'd say something grumpy, and it would make you smile because he was grumpy. You know, much love to Scott Hall, my condolences to the family. We lost a great one in Scott. A wonderful guy and a wonderful contributor to our business that would never, ever be forgotten," added Prichard.
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Razor Ramon will be remembered as an all-time great, and we're sure you'll have several fond memories of "The Bad Guy." Feel free to share them in the comments section below.

If any quotes are used from this article, please credit Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling.

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