Cesaro opens up about being fired from WWE in 2006 shortly after he was signed

Cesaro is one of the most athletic Superstars in WWE right now and is someone who is often on the top of lists compiling the most underrated Superstars. The man is a former Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner as well as a former Tag Team Champion and United States Champion.
Cesaro was fired by WWE in 2006 shortly after signing a contract
Cesaro was recently a guest on Chasing Glory hosted by Lilian Garcia. The Swiss Cyborg was asked about his departure from WWE in 2006, shortly after signing with the company. Cesaro clarified that he was actually fired:
No, I didn't leave. I got fired.
Cesaro went on to explain what happened and says that he still doesn't know why he was let go:
So literally I got signed. I finished all my indie bookings. At that point, me and Chris Hero were Kings of Wrestling. We had, which was unheard of at the time, but we had three different tag championships from three different promotions, which again, was unheard of at that point. So, we had that. We finished all our business there. When that was done and I was just about done with finishing all my bookings, I got a call that they can't hire me right now, to which I responded 'I am hired, I'm already getting paid'. I was going to move in two weeks to, I was actually not going to Deep South, I was going to OVW and I was told I was going to get my release in the papers within the next week.
They didn't say why. I asked why, didn't get a clear response. You know, if you don't work here and try to call it usually goes to voice mail. So I didn't really ever know. I saw the person after, that hired me and he said that to this day he still doesn't know and that was at a point where he wasn't with the company anymore so there was no reason for him to not tell me the truth. He just said that he got told to let me go. I got paid by WWE for three months after that and I started back up on the indies but in the end it ended up working out because I'm still here.
WWE signed Cesaro again in 2011. Cesaro has definitely found success in the WWE since then but a lot of fans believe that he could have been a much bigger star if the promotion had pushed him more.
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