Chris Jericho reveals what Pat Patterson could tell Vince McMahon that no one else could

WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is known to have strong opinions on various things related to sports entertainment, and his temperamental demeanor means that he's seldom told that he's wrong by those working with him. There have been various anecdotes about how writers in WWE would agree with whatever Vince McMahon stated, while numerous reports have revealed how he has changed shows just hours before going live on air.
But there was one key WWE employee who could speak his mind out regarding WWE shows and that was Vince McMahon's former right-hand man, the late Pat Patterson. Former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho recently spoke about the WWE Hall of Famer on a special episode of Talk is Jericho, where he said that Patterson could criticize Vince McMahon's show and not face any consequences for his comments.
Chris Jericho on how Pat Patterson could air his views in front of Vince McMahon
Chris Jericho stated that Patterson could get away with critcizing the product that WWE put out, and find fault in the product in front of Vince McMahon.
"Some days it's vanilla, but Pat could get away with basically telling Vince 'this show sucks,' and nobody else could ever say that. And he would sit in booking meetings. Vince goes, 'Well, what does everyone think? Do you like this?' Of course all the Yes Men are like, 'This is great.' And Pat said, 'This is terrible. This is a terrible. Where's the young guys? What are we doing?' And everyone kind of just sitting there like, 'oh my God, he's chewing out Vince at the front of the booking meeting.' And of course he could do that, but they obviously had a great relationship for many, many, many years." (H/T WrestlingInc)
Jericho recalled how Patterson used to say that Vince McMahon could do whatever he wanted as it was his show.
In the same show, Jericho revealed how McMahon "buried" Dolph Ziggler as a rib on Patterson. Patterson was reportedly a big fan of Ziggler and would push for him in meetings, but McMahon would make Ziggler lose as a joke on Patterson.