
Cody Rhodes reveals the only time he ever doubted himself after returning to WWE

Cody Rhodes returned to WWE last year and has only doubted himself just once since then.

The American Nightmare returned to WWE at WrestleMania 38 as Seth Rollins' surprise opponent. He had a lot of momentum during his feud with Rollins, but a torn pectoral muscle put him on the shelf for quite a while. He returned triumphantly at the Royal Rumble and faced Reigns at WrestleMania 39 but lost in the main event.

In an interview with Sean Neumann of GQ Magazine, Rhodes opened up about doubting himself after tearing his pec before his Hell in a Cell match against Rollins in June 2022.

"The only time upon coming back to WWE that I felt a natural bit of doubt was when I tore my pec," Rhodes said. "Because I felt like I was doubting my consistency. You can be very talented and you can be very appealing and check a lot of boxes, but if you're inconsistent as a performer, there's no way you'll ever catch on.

Rhodes added that he felt a bit of doubt regarding his abilities in the ring.

"And here I am, I finally got myself to the main event and I've torn my pec. That's been the first time in years that I felt a lot of doubt in my abilities in the ring as someone who you could put the company on my back."

Cody Rhodes made some changes after suffering a torn pec

In the same interview, Cody Rhodes revealed the changes he made to his workout routine after tearing his pectoral muscle. Rhodes didn't make any changes in how he wrestles but put in a lot of time and effort to improve his body.

"A positive byproduct of it all was getting a dietitian, the best one I could possibly get on board," Rhodes said. "A great trainer to have on board to be consistent and zooming with you when you're in your own gym, writing up your workouts, always walking into the gym with an actual game plan. And I got educated on stuff that I'd always been too cool for when it comes to hydration and supplements and how you take care of your body when you're a mid-30s athlete who's been doing this at a high level since you were 20 years old."

Rhodes is on his way to facing Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam for the third time this year. The feud between Rhodes and Lesnar is tied at one win apiece, with their August 5 matchup acting as the decider.

Will Cody Rhodes conquer Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam? Give your answers in the comments section below.

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