Backstage news on Daniel Bryan's return, plans for Roman Reigns, more

After his injury which lasted for few months, Daniel Bryan is said to have informed the top WWE officials about his return three weeks back. It was then the decision was made for him to return at this year’s second big event, Royal Rumble 2015. With Bryan returning to Royal Rumble, there is a lot of speculation regarding whether or not this changes plans for Roman Reigns.
As of now, it is believed that WWE are planning on a Reigns win at Rumble and that he will win the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 31 against current Champion Brock Lesnar.
After Bryan’s announcement on his return to ring in Monday Night Raw, many fans and legends now want to see Bryan vs Lesnar at the big event and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley also posted the same in his Facebook account saying it would be like David vs Goliath, and he thinks Bryan is the man to defeat the Beast, who has been undefeated till now.