
Former WWE employee discusses new developments in Vince McMahon scandal; compares it to high-profile Hollywood case (Exclusive)

Former WWE manager Dutch Mantell recently spoke about new developments happening in the Vince McMahon scandal.

Former WWE CEO Vince McMahon came under the scanner after former employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against him alleging sexual abuse. This past week, new reports emerged in the McMahon allegations. As the former CEO was battling the lawsuit, he seemingly came under federal investigation as well. The inquiries reportedly stemmed from misconduct allegations from a number of women against Mr. McMahon.

During this week's episode of Smack Talk, Mantell mentioned that the federal investigators definitely had some reason to go after Mr. McMahon. The former WWE employee detailed that this issue could blow up and go the same way as the Harvey Weinstein case from back in the day.

"See they [federal investigators] don't do it for just no reason. What I'm seeing here, we could have a Harvey Weinstein example coming out of this... He's in prison, right? Much the same circumstances I might add," Mantell said. [From 12:08 onwards]

You can watch the full video here:

Since the allegations emerged, Vince McMahon has resigned from his role as part of the TKO Board of Directors. He also issued a statement claiming that the allegations were replete with lies and distorted truths. He made it clear that he would legally battle the charges and restore his honor.

What are your thoughts on the Mr. McMahon issue? Sound off in the comments section below.

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