
Major former WWE Superstar got backstage heat for calling The Undertaker "boring"

The Undertaker will soon become a WWE Hall of Famer.
The Undertaker will soon become a WWE Hall of Famer.

Chris Jericho spoke at length about the struggles following his arrival in WWE in 1999 during the latest episode of Kurt Angle's podcast on AdFreeShows.com.

Jericho came into the company after making waves in WCW, and he wasn't well-received in the WWE locker room due to his outspoken personality. The former WWE Superstar even recalled cutting a promo on The Undertaker and calling him boring on live television.

Chris Jericho's motive was to draw heat with his comments. Unfortunately, The Undertaker legitimately delivered a boring promo about The Big Show before Jericho's planned interruption.

The AEW star admitted that he failed to pick up on the reactions and got heat backstage for his promo on The Undertaker. The Deadman and Y2J laugh about the incident to this day:

"My second promo, I called Undertaker boring. I said, 'You're boring.' And the sad, terrible thing is, he had just, we laugh about it till this day, he had just done this super long, f**king boring promo about taking Big Show to the desert. To try and teach him how to be tough and feeding him scorpion meat and drinking water out of a puddle, and it just went on and on and on. I was supposed to cut him off and call him boring, but this night, he really was boring. What was supposed to get heat, a lot of people were like, 'Well, we can't argue with that.' And I was too dumb to realize it, so that got me heat," said Chris Jericho. [13:43 - 14:24]

"I probably would play the game a little bit better" - Chris Jericho on his start in WWE

Chris Jericho rubbed several people the wrong way in WWE early on and paid for it by getting removed from a stacked WrestleMania match.

As noted earlier, the former AEW World Champion did not get along with Triple H, which resulted in him losing out on the opportunity to crack the main event picture. Jericho noted that the war between WCW and WWE was as real as it got, and the talents were also genuinely invested in the battle.

Jericho wished he would have "read the room" better in WWE as he could have avoided some of the hostility he encountered behind the scenes.

"I probably would play the game a little bit better, no pun intended. It's hard to say, Kurt (Angle). Maybe try and fit in a bit more. It wasn't like I wasn't trying to fit in," stated Jericho. "I remember my first night in the company; I obviously did this scathing promo on the entire WWE dressing room. Vince Russo knew all about it. I don't know Vince knew about it. I don't know if 'Taker knew about it. I don't know if Hunter knew about it. They could be watching, going, 'Who the hell is this guy? Who does he think he is?' Because the wrestling war was real between WCW and WWF. I wasn't trying to come in; I thought I'd come in as a heel and bury the company, and then we'd work our programs out of that. Maybe I could have been a little more cognizant, like, these guys think you're really serious, and they are really starting not to like you, so maybe pull back a bit." [12:50 - 13:41]
Y2J-era Chris Jericho promotes WWF SmackDown! for the PS1 on the cover of Incite magazine, March 2000. https://t.co/3kjONn4WRc

The AEW veteran conceded that he made a few mistakes by playing up the WCW-WWE angle and feels he could have been smarter with his decision-making.

"So right out of the gate, I was just making the wrong decisions, and maybe I would back off a little bit on that." Jericho continued, "Like I said, read the room a little bit better and realize that this war is real to these guys. It's not to me because I was so happy to be in the WWF after all these years of trying to get there. So maybe I could have been a little smarter in that respect." [14:24 - 14:45]

What are your fondest memories from the first few years of Chris Jericho's WWE career? Share them with us in the comments section below.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit The Kurt Angle Show on AdFreeShows.com and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling.

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