
Jake Roberts details Vince McMahon's role in a controversial angle with two-time WWE Champion

Jake Roberts recalls Vince McMahon's role in "snake-bite" angle with Randy Savage
Jake Roberts recalls Vince McMahon's role in "snake-bite" angle with Randy Savage

WWE Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts recently spoke about Vince McMahon's role in a controversial angle with two-time WWE Champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

The segment took place on an episode of Superstars of Wrestling in 1991. Roberts berated Savage, forcing him to step into the ring to fight. Roberts got the better of the exchange, and Savage got stuck in the ropes. He then pulled out a snake that bit Savage's arm.

Speaking on a recent episode of DDP Snake Pit, Roberts stated that Vince McMahon was the one who approached him with the idea.

“Vince comes to me ‘you think that snake can bite somebody?'” Roberts recalled. “‘Yeah, it bites me all the time.’ He’s like ‘okay. We’re going to have it bite Macho.’ I’m like ‘hell yeah.’ You know, because we’ve not done that yet." (H/T - Wrestling Inc.)
"Are you sure that snake's been fixed?"

Jake Roberts told people to trust him, but Randy Savage didn't.

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Jake Roberts recalled Vince McMahon's reaction to it

Elaborating further on the angle, the Hall of Famer recalled that Vince McMahon loved the angle while Savage was very concerned.

“Vince loved it.” Roberts said. ‘”Oh my God! Oh my God!’ You know, he loved it. Randy was like ‘damn brother, who let you, what the hell man?’ Because you have to understand Randy, he thinks everybody was out to get him. You know, it was just the way he was wired and oh my God, he always thought everybody wanted his spot. I’m not like that, never have been. But there are guys who do some stupid stuff. But no, he’s just afraid to open the door because he doesn’t know what your intentions are. He was freaking out because he was bleeding. He was sure it was going to kill him. He worried himself into an infection.”

The segment led to a match between Savage and Roberts at This Tuesday in Texas, which the former won. The feud continued for months and culminated at Saturday Night's Main Event XXX, where Savage picked up the win.

If any quotes are used from this article, please credit the source - DDP Snake Pit.

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