JBL on Eddie Guerrero's real-life fight with WWE Hall of Famer
John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) recently disclosed details about the time Eddie Guerrero fought Kurt Angle behind the scenes in WWE.
Angle once joined forces with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak to attack Guerrero during a WWE segment. When they returned backstage, the former WCW star furiously accused Angle of hitting him too hard.
JBL, one of Guerrero's most legendary opponents, spoke about the incident on his Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw podcast. He said former WWE executive John Laurinaitis stepped in to break things up:
"They had gotten into a fight at Gorilla [backstage area] when they came back," JBL stated. "I didn't know what had happened. You know a fight's going on in the hall, you can tell from the noise… those are fights. So, finally, Laurinaitis had gotten between Eddie and Kurt. Kurt was outside the dressing room, Eddie was inside it. I was dressing right by Eddie. Laurinaitis shut the door, and so that separated Kurt and Eddie." [45:15 – 45:42]
In 2020, Angle claimed he did not touch Guerrero during the attack. Jindrak and Reigns were apparently at fault, but the Olympic gold medallist received the blame.
Eddie Guerrero's dressing room conversation with JBL
At one stage during the backstage melee, Eddie Guerrero attempted to take Kurt Angle down with an amateur wrestling leg dive. The 1996 Olympian reversed the move into a front facelock submission.
Once the situation calmed down, JBL jokingly questioned Guerrero on why he attacked a legitimate wrestling champion:
"I'm sitting there looking at Eddie and he's not looking at me at all. He's just looking at the door, mad as he could be, breathing so loud you can hear him breathing. I'm sitting, I mean, one foot from him. I'm just sitting there looking at him. Finally, I said, 'Why would you leg dive a gold medallist?' And without looking at me at all, he goes, 'Because I'm stupid!'" [45:51 – 46:14]
Guerrero passed away in 2005 due to heart failure. Angle said last year that his former opponent knew something was wrong, but he did not want to undergo medical tests.
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