
Jim Cornette says top WWE star may not have legitimate opponents after WrestleMania Backlash

Jim Cornette feels Ronda Rousey may have few credible opponents
Jim Cornette feels Ronda Rousey may have few credible opponents

Jim Cornette feels that Ronda Rousey might have to wrestle less frequently if WWE can't pair her up with legitimate opponents.

Rousey won the SmackDown Women's title for the first time in her WWE career at WrestleMania Backlash, when she defeated Charlotte Flair in an "I Quit" match.

Jim Cornette discussed Ronda Rousey's future opponents in WWE on Jim Cornette's Drive Thru. The legendary manager thinks that Rousey may not have a legitimate opponent after her feud with Charlotte Flair:

"Well, that will be interesting because you've got a problem now in that most people still know that Ronda is legitimate. So most of the girls on the roster, I mean let's face it, you would think, 'Okay, she should be able to take girl X or girl Y apart in 30 seconds.' At the top, most of the really good female talent are - maybe Ronda vs. Becky because Becky is a great heel, but Bianca's a babyface, she wouldn't want to do that."[From 7:27 to 8:04]

Cornette feels that Rousey may not wrestle a lot if she doesn't have credible opponents, which could work in her favor:

"I don't know any match you could build in the next three months with Ronda and anybody that would mean as much as some type of big score-settler when Charlotte comes back from her broken arm, so she's got to stay babyface for so long. Maybe Ronda just doesn't wrestle a lot and that probably wouldn't hurt things either." [From 9:50 to 10:15]

Cornette thinks that Charlotte Flair could have a rematch against Ronda Rousey in the future, once The Queen returns from her rumored hiatus.

Ex-WWE writer feels former champion should return to face Ronda Rousey

twitter.com/itsBayleyWWE/s… https://t.co/4Znb0fCcsL

Kazeem Famuyide, who was previously a part of WWE as a writer, thinks that Bayley should return and feud with Rousey.

"I think it’s also the possibility of returning Bayley, who’s been kind of like sitting in the sideline for a while and she’s the one person out of the four horsewomen who haven’t really got to touch Ronda yet, so I think the fact that she has gotten through Sasha, Charlotte and Becky, not really Becky so far, but I think she has got to build something great with Bayley,” said Famuyide.

Bayley has been out of action for 10 months as she has been on the sidelines after tearing her ACL. She has had one singles match with Rousey, back in 2019 on RAW.

Please H/T Jim Cornette's Drive Thru and Sportskeeda if you use any of the above quotes.

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