
Jon Moxley takes a shot at WWE ThunderDome

Moxley ain't afraid to share what he thinks of it (Pic Source: AEW/WWE)
Moxley ain't afraid to share what he thinks of it (Pic Source: AEW/WWE)

Jon Moxley, the man formerly known as Dean Ambrose in WWE, isn't afraid to share his opinions. He may be the AEW World Champion, but he's more likely to say what he thinks than others. In an interview with Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Moxley stated that he believed that Vince McMahon is the WWE's main problem, and no WWE ThunderDome can fix it until he's gone.

Jon Moxley believes that WWE ThunderDome looks like a Zoom call

Moxley first stated nothing would change in WWE until Vince McMahon is gone from the company. He has been critical of Vince McMahon in the past, and this was no different. While discussing Vince, WWE ThunderDome came up in the conversation. He said:

"I really don't want to get into bashing them (WWE) thing, you know, but all the LED boards and s**t in their ThunderDome isn't going to fix their problems. We know what their problem is. I saw a picture of The ThunderDome and it had all the, it was like a Zoom call, with all the faces on the and it tripped me out because it immediately made think of...have you ever read the book, Fahrenheit 451?"

Meltzer said that he has not, but he has heard of it. Jon Moxley responded that he should and also said:

"So, this book, it was written in 1953 by a guy named Ray Bradbury and basically, it's like a dystopian kind of thing, kind of like 1984. But he basically predicts, in 1952, exactly what 2020 will be like. If you read it, you're like woooaah. Because the firemen, they burn books because they don't want people to be literate or smart or think for themselves. They just want to feed them with all this, uh, like mindless entertainment. Why the ThunderDome made me think of it is because this is in the 50s before computers and social media but he kind of imagined what it would be like and the thing was like, your family quote-unquote in the parlor wall. So, like in your living room, the wall will be filled like with all these faces that you communicate and hang out with, that's kind of like social media is now. And that's exactly what The ThunderDome looked like. I went, 'Oh My God, it's the thing from Farenheit 451 come to life.'"

Jon Moxley said that he hopes that WWE ThunderDome is fantastic as he has many friends and wants WWE to be 'awesome.' Moxley also pointed that if WWE does not do well, he gets 'pi**ed' off rather than thrilled about it. He also said that WWE is the number one brand in the sport, and if the product is embarrassing to watch, it makes the entire wrestling world look bad.

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