
Miro reveals story about Vince McMahon; WWE's reaction to him taking their equipment home

Rusev during his storyline with Bobby Lashley and Lana's affair in WWE; Vince McMahon the WWE Chairman in his office
Rusev during his storyline with Bobby Lashley and Lana's affair in WWE; Vince McMahon the WWE Chairman in his office

Former WWE Superstar Rusev is now known as Miro during his run in AEW. However, during his time in WWE, Miro was one of the most fan favourite stars on the roster. Miro was on AEW Unrestricted (h/t Wrestling Inc) recently, where he talked about the time he took WWE equipment home, and his experience with the WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.

Miro fka Rusev talks about experience with Vince McMahon; talks about taking WWE equipment home

Miro fka Rusev talked about his experience when he was a part of the League of Nations in WWE. He talked about his experience when representing Vince McMahon against Roman Reigns, after taking out Reigns with a splash across the table, he went and hugged Vince McMahon while being absolutely covered in sweat.

"So, I'm having fun. So there it is. I think Roman was laid across the table. I run, like Umaga style - big splash. Boom. Vince McMahon is there. I know because Rikishi always taught - because Rikishi was my first second trainer. He told me this is what makes you the money. So, if Vince McMahon is there, where's the camera going to go? Of course it's going to go to Vince McMahon. So, what I do [is] I go and give him a big sweaty hug with all my sweatiness from the match. I just go and hug him and squeeze him so hard, and 'hahaha', whatever."

Miro went on to talk about how after that he took away a monitor from WWE because he felt it would be funny. Miro went on to explain how WWE asked for the television back, but when he did not return it, they were okay with him keeping it.

"We get the pop. On the way out, I see this monitor, and I was so tempted. I'm like, 'You know what? F' it.' I grab that TV monitor, you know, the old ones? Not the LED, the big one. I'm carrying it out, and I'm walking out. And Del Rio sees that. He's trying to grab it, and I'm like, 'Give me my monitor. I'm not throwing away that thing.' And then on the way out, Big Show - because we're supposed to be on the pathway with Big Show - I see him looking. 'Don't you dare take away my monitor!' And I blew past."
"And to this day, I took the monitor home. They did ask for it. I said 'Hey, can I have it?' They said OK, so they let me have the monitor, and to this day, it's in my house in my man cave in Nashville. And this is probably my most precious title because everything else, it's a bulls--t work. This was a real title."

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