
Jeff Hardy admits current 'uncomfortable' WWE feud with Sheamus reminds him of CM Punk

Jeff Hardy and CM Punk
Jeff Hardy and CM Punk

Jeff Hardy and controversy seem to go hand-in-hand, be it inside or even outside the ring, Jeff Hardy's history of struggles with substance abuse is well-noted and this has landed him in trouble with the law a lot of times. So, when WWE started a storyline on WWE SmackDown, which actually incorporated Jeff Hardy's struggles in a feud against Sheamus, it was a controversial and touchy subject that shocked a lot of people. But this was not the first time that his issues with substance abuse have come up during a storyline, as it was first seen previously during his feud with CM Punk in WWE.

During a recent interview on WWE's The Bump, Jeff Hardy talked about how his current feud with Sheamus actually reminded him of his old feud against CM Punk back in the day in WWE.

Jeff Hardy compares his WWE feud against Sheamus with CM Punk's

Jeff Hardy admitted that his feud against Sheamus reminded him of the one that he had against CM Punk, where his past issues with substance abuse were brought up regularly. Hardy mentioned that the idea of the feuds was 'uncomfortable' for him, but it helped him to stay strong in his beliefs as well.

It's definitely been a huge motivator because we've been doing a documentary that will be out soon and it's honest and deep so it's been an asset I think because over the years, ever since I was in my 20s I've been in and out with my addiction, alcoholism, the roller coaster ride of good and bad. In the same sense creatively, it's been a power for me because even back in the day feuding with Punk, it kind of reminds me of Sheamus and it can get extremely uncomfortable, but that's where I have to stay strong in my beliefs and where I am right now and not let anything get under my skin. I think it's going to help a lot of people whom I never meet just watching me on TV and hearing what I say and sharing what I say," 

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