
New Champion to possibly be crowned at WWE Superstar Spectacle; further details revealed (Exclusive)

A picture of the Indian tryouts held in March 2019
A picture of the Indian tryouts held in March 2019

WWE Superstar Spectacle is scheduled to be taped between the 20-22 of January in the WWE ThunderDome and aired on 26th January, India's Republic Day. SK Wrestling has learned that there are talks of crowning a brand new Champion at the show, although we haven't learned any specific details about the same yet.

Two more legends to be a part of WWE Superstar Spectacle?

There is also talk of making WWE Superstar Spectacle as grand as can be, with a star-studded cast. In addition to confirmed names such as Charlotte Flair, Ricochet, and Ric Flair, three names that have already been announced; we've been informed that others could be involved too.

Two of the names being contemplated for the first installment of the annual extravaganza are Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Because a lot of the names that are part of WWE Superstar Spectacle are not yet established, the company wants several big guns on the show.

We are also told that The Great Khali was one of the names being considered for a special appearance, and his appearance depends on the travel situation between India and the USA in the coming days. Two of the names in the WWE Superstar Spectacle card (Dilsher Shanky and Giant Zanjeer) have trained under The Great Khali, so it would have made sense for this pairing to happen.

As with anything else, plans are up in the air because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and we're told that everything could change at a moment's time.

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