
"Of course, my top will fall off" - Current WWE champion mentions Liv Morgan after embarrassing botch during huge match; says what happened

Liv Morgan helped a current WWE champion after she suffered a mortifying accident during a recent match where her top fell off. The star has now talked about it.

Lyra Valkyria had an upsetting time in the WWE Royal Rumble, as moments after her entrance, when she hit a suplex, her top suddenly came undone and fell off, nearly disastrously. Liv Morgan punched her down to the mat, and this allowed her to do up her top again.

She spoke about it on a recent episode of the Battleground podcast. The star said that she was really happy with Liv Morgan and was happy that the star had punched her, giving her a chance to fall to the ground and adjust her top, which would have been difficult for her otherwise.

Lyra was upset that the time that her top chose to fall apart for the first time ever was also in the biggest show of her career, the Royal Rumble. Until she was punched, there was not much the star could have done about it.

“I’ve never been so happy to be hit in the face. It definitely was not ideal. Especially, I've never had that happen ever. Of course, it would be in the Royal Rumble. Why not? It's my biggest show ever; of course, my top will fall off. Look, It is what it is. It was completely out of my control. There wasn't much I could do about it... handled it the best way I could. We can't focus on things like that." (5:04 - 5:33)

Other than being grateful to Liv Morgan, Lyra Valkyria was also glad to get the Royal Rumble opportunity

She remarked that, ultimately, showing up at the Royal Rumble as the Women's Intercontinental Champion was still a significant achievement for her, and she considered it an exciting moment.

"Still, I got to run that ramp, a great ramp by the way, nice, big long run there, as the Intercontinental Women’s Champion got to do that with the title around my waist, pretty cool. I'm taking the wins.” (5:34 - 5:50)

She had a big showing at the event and did well, but was unable to be the one to win the whole thing.

Please credit the Battleground podcast and give an H/T to Sportskeeda if you use any quotes from this article.

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