
Renee Young has interesting reaction to Samoa Joe's commentary during WWE Backlash

Renee Young and Samoa Joe
Renee Young and Samoa Joe

Tonight's Backlash PPV seems to have met fan expectations, judging by the WWE Universe's reaction on social media following the event. Fans also praised Samoa Joe for his work behind the announce desk during the show, with many believing that he brings a unique take to the table. Former RAW announcer Renee Young had an interesting reaction to Joe's commentary.

She pointed out Joe's "sadistic belly laugh", and dubbed it as her favorite thing about him on commentary. Check out Renee's tweet below:

Renee Young isn't the only person Samoa Joe has impressed with his work as an announcer

Joe has been impressing fans and peers alike ever since he made his return in April and replaced Jerry "The King" Lawler on the RAW commentary desk. He has had a decorated career that has now lasted for around two decades. In addition to being an excellent in-ring worker, Joe has always wowed the fans with his skills on the mic. A former TNA (now Impact Wrestling) World Champion, Joe got several opportunities to showcase his gift of gab and he succeeded in delivering intriguing promos most of the time.

Renee Young was a RAW announcer herself for a short while, back in 2018-19. Her stint as a RAW commentator lasted for over a year, and she seems to be doing pretty well for herself as a host on WWE Backstage.

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