
Shotzi Blackheart wants to run over this NXT Superstar with her tank [Exclusive]

Shotzi Blackheart has someone in mind she'd like to run over with her tank.
Shotzi Blackheart has someone in mind she'd like to run over with her tank.

You can't think of one half of the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions, Shotzi Blackheart, without thinking about her iconic tank. She used the tank last year to run over Robert Stone, one of the funniest moments NXT had in 2020.

Shotzi Blackheart recently sat down with Sportskeeda's own Rick Ucchino to discuss all things WWE NXT. On the subject of who she'd like to run over with her tank next, she named none other than Cameron Grimes.

"Oh, other than Robert Stone? Ah, Cameron Grimes, he's been flaunting that money a little too much. I would love to just... *makes screeching tire noises*"

Shotzi Blackheart reveals the story behind her tank

Shotzi Blackheart also opened up in the interview about exactly why she decided to come down the aisle in a tank.

"You know, I just saw it at Walmart, and I just thought it would be a bada** idea. Like, I already wear the helmets. And I was like, you know what, this is me. I would drive a tank. Like if I was to drive any vehicle, it would be a freakin tank. So as soon as I saw it at Walmart, I was saving up money to get that thing."

Ucchino brought up the fact that he heard Blackheart was actually gifted her first tank, which she confirmed was the case.

"It was, yeah. I was saving up money for it. And then this band that I did a music video for was just like, here you go and I was like, 'Oh sick!'"

When asked what she did with the money she was saving up to buy the tank, she revealed that she probably just spent it on pizza. There's nothing wrong with that.

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