Stardom wrestler Hana Kimura passes away

Social media is known to have its pros and cons. One of the biggest issues faced with its advancement is that of cyber bullying. More often than not, celebrities and Superstars face varied criticism through some fans and while everyone has the right to speak their mind, one has to do it in a way that does not hurt someone mentally.
In tragic news, Stardom wrestler Hana Kimura has passed away at a very early age of 22 after reportedly facing cyber bullying issues. Stardom sent out an official Tweet stating:
"Stardom fans, We are very sorry to report that our Hana Kimura has passed away. Please be respectful and allow some time for things to process, and keep your thoughts and prayers with her family and friends. We appreciate your support during this difficult time."
What happened to Hana Kimura?
In what could potentially be a case of Hana Kimura committing suicide, there was major concern about her well-being earlier today after she posted graphic images of self-harm along with a message. When translated, it read the following:
“Nearly 100 frank opinions every day. I couldn’t deny that I was hurt. I’m dead. Thank you for giving me a mother. It was a life I wanted to be loved. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I love it. I’m weak, I’m sorry. I don’t want to be a human anymore. It was a life I wanted to be loved. Thank you everyone, I love you. Bye.”
Hana Kimura was a second-generation wrestler and the daughter of Kyoko Kimura. We at Sportskeeda are deeply saddened to know about the tragic passing of a young and talented wrestler and pay our condolences to her friends and family.
We'll keep you informed on further updates on the situation!