
“The payoff was atrocious” - WWE veteran rips into former champion’s storyline on RAW (Exclusive)

Former WWE head writer Vince Russo shared his thoughts on the ongoing storyline between The Miz and Johnny Gargano on RAW.

Johnny Gargano exposed The Miz on last week's RAW for staging the entire Dexter Lumis saga. The former NXT Champion doubled down on his claims with video evidence this week, which led to The A-Lister confessing that he had indeed hired Dexter to stalk him.


@mikethemiz thought he was confessing to a movie producer. However, that "movie producer" turned out to be @JohnnyGargano's private investigator who wasn't taking thirty pictures per second after all...

#WWERaw https://t.co/5YWDaZ0wI1

This led to a match between Gargano and The Miz where the former WWE Champion picked up the victory.

Speaking on Sportskeeda Wrestling's Legion of RAW, Vince Russo highlighted that the match between the two wasn't promoted by WWE at all.

"First of all, I don't know if you noticed this or not, but Miz and Gargano are going to wrestle on the show [and] they did not promote this at all until Miz was on his way to the ring. They did not promote this at all. They've been telling this storyline now between these two for four to six weeks and didn't even promote that they had a match. So if they didn't promote the match, then I guess it's not important. I guess they don't think anybody's gonna watch it."

The former WWE writer added that the payoff of the storyline has been "atrocious."

"Last week's explanation was so bad, and it's like we can't even leave that alone. Now we've got to step deeper into it because we realized last week was horrible. So now Gargano's got more evidence and he's got a remote control that magically works the titantron. The payoff was atrocious bro. As I said, they couldn't leave well enough alone, they had to keep going down that path." [38:43 - 40:27]

Vince Russo pointed out a major flaw in WWE's booking of the Miz-Dexter Lumis storyline

The storyline between The Miz and Dexter Lumis has been going on since the latter was rehired by the Stamford-based promotion. The two were slated to lock horns in a singles match, but The A-Lister attacked Lumis backstage to sideline him for a couple of weeks.

Vince Russo pointed out that Dexter Lumis was due a match against The Miz but instead he's being chased by security once again.

"Shawn Michaels booked him [Dexter Lumis] in a match against Miz and if he beat Miz, he was going to get a contract. But that never happened because Miz laid him out with a chair. But now he's being chased off by security again." [41:40 - 41:59]


All for the celebrity attention!??

Then he lost control of Dexter when he stopped paying him???

I wasn't expecting this. It feels so out of the blue. 😅

#WWERAW https://t.co/edeXjugoM6

Lumis got payback against The Miz for taking him out a few weeks earlier as he attacked The A-Lister after his victory on RAW. It'll be interesting to see when the two will finally get a chance to settle their differences.

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