
The Undertaker sets the record straight about calling current WWE product "soft"

The Undertaker has taken a lot of heat in recent months over calling the current WWE roster "soft."
The Undertaker has taken a lot of heat in recent months over calling the current WWE roster "soft."

In January, The Undertaker came under fire over comments he made on Joe Rogan's podcast, calling the current WWE product "soft."

Since then, several WWE Superstars, past and present, have spoken out, including Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, John Cena, and Edge.

The Undertaker decided to set the record straight regarding his comments. He spoke about it in his recent interview with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated.

“I wasn’t bashing our talent. Our talent is extraordinary. What they’re physically able to do, I couldn’t imagine doing that back in the day. I have a lot of respect for our roster, but I came from a different time period. My point was it was tough back then," said The Undertaker.

The Undertaker wasn't bashing the WWE talent

The Undertaker clarified his previous comments by reiterating that it was different when he came up in the business. The Phenom said he is proud to be a part of the evolution of the company.

"I remember when Triple H first came in, and he was shocked that I had black electrical tape on my boots. It was just a different time. We didn’t even have trainers on the road. If you had torn gear, you either wore it torn or you tried to fix it yourself. I’m so proud to be part of the evolution of our business. The industry has come so far. It’s a sign of the success and how far we’ve come,” said The Undertaker.

Whether you agree or not, it's nice to see The Undertaker finally clarifying the comments he made earlier.

What do you make of The Undertaker's comments? Do you believe that his previous comments were misunderstood? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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