
Tony Khan provides an update on Sammy Guevara

Sammy Guevara
Sammy Guevara

Almost a month ago, a video of Sammy Guevara resurfaced on Twitter. In the video, the AEW wrestler can be heard passing a comment about Sasha Banks. Since then, both Sammy Guevara and Sasha Banks have made their peace about the recording. However, AEW's Tony Khan decided to suspend Sammy Guevara without pay indefinitely. Tony Khan has also decided to donate Guevara's pay to Women's Center Of Jacksonville.

Tony Khan on Sammy Guevara

In a recent interview with The New York Post, Tony Khan spoke about Sammy Guevara's horrible comment and shared what programs the suspended wrestler is undergoing.

“With Sammy, I think the right thing to do was to suspend him. The comments he made were horrible. I can’t defend them. I can’t even comment on them because they’re unspeakably bad. He has also done a different kind of counseling and he’s in a different kind of counseling and it’s a different kind of coaching. Everybody here, male and female pretty much up and down the roster we talked to felt like Sammy had no history of this kind of behavior. Really people were shocked Sammy had said that."

Tony Khan also spoke about having no idea about the comment until it resurfaced on social media recently.

"Certainly, it’s an old clip. I think the video was four years old. I had never seen that video and it’s something I would have addressed with him before Sammy started here. I never had an opportunity to address it because I didn’t know it existed and neither did anybody else or if they did nobody told us.”

AEW's response to Sammy Guevara

AEW was quick to suspend Sammy Guevara after his recording surfaced. Tony Khan's promotion's official statement regarding the wrestler's suspension can be read as follows:

AEW insists on doing our part to create a world of understanding and respect for humankind. We therefore strongly condemn the extremely offensive and hurtful words of Sammy Guevara. As such, effective immediately, Sammy is suspended without pay until further notice. Sammy has agreed to undergo sensitivity training, and upon completion, his future status within the company will be re-evaluated. During his suspension, his salary will be donated to the Women's Center of Jacksonville.

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