Toxic Attraction defended their tag team titles to open NXT 2.0

Toxic Attraction faced the team of Roxanne Perez and Wendy Choo to open this week's episode of NXT 2.0.
On last week's episode of NXT, Choo and Perez played pranks on the members of Toxic Attraction. Wendy trapped Rose while she was in a tanning bed. Perez and Choo then stole the car keys and sandals from Gigi and Jacy while on the beach.
The tag team champions finally got their hands on the duo on the latest episode of the show. Before the bell even rang, Choo attacked Toxic Attraction by entering from the other side of the ring. After Perez and Choo finished their initial attack, the match started with Wendy and Jayne.
The challengers got the upper hand in the first part of the match, but the champions soon turned things around. As the match progressed, the tag team champions kept the action to their half of the ring by strategically wearing down Choo.
The fight was taken outside, where Perez launched herself with a dive and took out their opponents. During the commercial break, Dolin would regain control for a near fall and would control Choo throughout the match until the latter managed to tag in.
With Perez now in control, she went to the top rope for a dive, but Mandy Rose interrupted. The champion pulled her teammate to safety, and Wendy took out Rose.
This led to the finish of the match as Jacy Jayne delivered a superkick to Perez. She was then pinned by Gigi Dolin.
After the match ended, Choo attacked Toxic Attraction but was the victim of a three-on-one assault.